Walls Career Coaching

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“Holding your team accountable isn’t an exercise in control. It’s an exercise in empowerment.” Unknown

Clients often tell me that they measure their own success partly by the success of their team. As we talk about this topic, the conversation invariably leads to discussing the challenges they face leading their team. And when it comes to their challenges, accountability seems to be the #1 issue.

If you, too, are challenged by this, here are five strategies to help you keep your employees accountable:

  1. Set Clear Expectations – It’s critical to clearly define team members’ roles and responsibilities. Make sure they hear and understand what is expected of them in terms of projects, deliverables and deadlines. Be sure to include the “why” behind your expectations so your directs align and commit more easily to completing their tasks.

  2. Promote Open Communication – Open communication fosters accountability between you and your team. By allowing team members to come to you directly for guidance and problem solving, they’ll feel supported and more confident in meeting deadlines and deliverables.

  3. Recognize and Celebrate Achievements – Acknowledge and celebrate team and individual achievements. Positive reinforcement is a great way to maintain accountability.

  4. Lead by Example – Keeping yourself accountable to your own work will likely motivate your team to follow suit.

  5. Communicate the Consequences of Not Being Accountable – Let your directs know the consequences of not meeting expectations. Tell them how it might hurt their reputation and career advancement as well as impact their team and the team’s goals.

Promoting accountability with your directs is an ongoing process and is the key to leading an empowered, team focused on achieving results.

Do you find yourself challenged with holding your direct reports accountable? Contact me and we can discuss strategies that will fit your situation and help you feel more in control.