Tips to Stay Grounded During this Unsettling Time

We’ve been working from home now for several weeks and from my own experience I know it’s easy to feel isolated. Isolation can bring on anxiety and get my “monkey mind” going… that ticker tape of negative thoughts. 

 I thought I’d share my top five tips for staying grounded during this unsettling time:  

  1. Keep a positive mindset - Our thoughts create our reality, so it’s really important to be aware of and manage what we’re thinking throughout the day. When a negative thought pops up, take a minute to notice it and reframe it to a positive one.  If you don’t take the time to manage the negative thoughts, you’ll get more of the negative. One of the things that helps me stay positive is to focus on the small wins I have each day…no matter how small they are

  2. Stay connected – To combat the isolation we are experiencing, stay connected with family, friends, clients, co-workers. Thanks to technology, we have many ways to do this – Zoom, phone, Skype, Facetime.  Last Friday night I scheduled a ZOOM family cocktail hour to see everyone and catch up, which was so fun and uplifting! 

  3. Practice gratitude – Instead of focusing on my concerns and worries, I remind myself often to focus on what I am grateful for. Right now I am grateful for my health, my family and friends, the roof over my head, my morning cup of coffee and the sunshine. By focusing on things we’re grateful for we’re actually training our brains to attract more of this into our lives. And who doesn’t want to attract more things to be grateful for? 

  4. Schedule enjoyment, fun and laughter – I’ve made a concerted effort to add a little fun and enjoyment into my day because it helps take my mind off the daily pressures and it recharges my battery. One of the ways I do this is by taking time out to watch James Corden YouTube videos. They are hilarious and he gets me laughing out loud, seriously. And, they’re only about seven minutes long. So to keep your spirits up, try to set aside time each day to do the things that make you laugh.

  5. Move – To stay grounded, focused and productive each day, stay active. Whether it’s walking, biking, practicing yoga, or any type of movement, get moving!  For me, moving clears my mind and gets me focused for the day. It also makes me feel confident because I’m taking care of my physical health vs. sitting all day. I find movement helps manage my stress, helps me make better food choices and I sleep better. On days I don’t move, the stress and negativity tend to creep in. So, get moving and feel better…isn’t that what we’re all trying to do…feel better?

What do you do to stay grounded and maintain your well-being? I’d love to hear from you at